How To Make Padded Hangers For Sweaters?

How To Make Padded Hangers For Sweaters?

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Are you tired of your favorite sweaters getting stretched out and losing their shape on regular hangers? Well, here's a solution - make your own padded hangers for sweaters! Not only will they keep your sweaters looking good as new, but they'll also help prevent them from slipping off and ending up on the floor.

Creating padded hangers for sweaters is easier than you might think. All you need are some basic materials like foam padding, fabric, and a sewing machine. By adding a layer of padding to the hanger, you can provide extra support and cushioning to your sweaters, ensuring they stay in top shape for the long haul. In fact, studies have shown that using padded hangers can significantly extend the lifespan of your sweaters, reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.

How To Make Padded Hangers For Sweaters?

Choosing the Right Materials for Padded Hangers

Padded hangers are a great way to protect your sweaters from stretching and getting unattractive shoulder bumps. Making your own padded hangers is not only a cost-effective solution but also allows you to customize them according to your preferences. To make padded hangers for sweaters, the first step is to gather the necessary materials. In this section, we will discuss the materials needed to create padded hangers.

1. Hangers

The first material you'll need is sturdy hangers. Choose hangers that are strong and can hold the weight of your sweaters without bending or breaking. Wooden or plastic hangers are preferable for this project.

When selecting hangers, make sure they have a smooth finish, as rough or textured hangers can potentially damage delicate fabrics. Additionally, choose hangers with wider shoulders to help maintain the shape of your sweaters.

Consider using thicker hangers for heavier sweaters and thinner hangers for lightweight sweaters. This will ensure that the hanger doesn't leave any permanent marks or indentations on your garments.

2. Foam or Batting

The next material you'll need is foam or batting. Foam provides a soft padding, while batting offers a fluffy and cushioned surface. Both options work well for creating padded hangers. You can find foam or batting at craft stores or online.

For foam, choose a thickness of around half an inch to provide adequate cushioning. Craft foam or foam sheets work well for this purpose. Batting, on the other hand, can be selected based on the desired thickness and softness.

Ensure that the foam or batting is large enough to cover the entire shoulder area of the hanger without leaving any exposed edges. You may need to cut it to size if required.

3. Fabric

To give your padded hangers a decorative touch and protect the foam or batting, you'll need fabric. Choose a fabric that complements your sweaters and matches your personal style. Cotton, linen, or satin fabrics are commonly used for this purpose.

Make sure the fabric is large enough to cover the foam or batting entirely. You'll need enough fabric to wrap around the hanger's shoulder and secure it in place.

If you want to add an extra layer of protection, consider using a thin layer of muslin or interfacing between the fabric and foam/batting.

4. Adhesive and Tools

In addition to the materials mentioned above, you'll need an adhesive to secure the fabric to the foam or batting. Fabric glue, hot glue, or a heavy-duty adhesive spray are suitable options for this project.

To assemble the padded hangers, you'll also need a pair of scissors to cut the fabric and foam/batting, a ruler or measuring tape to ensure accurate sizing, and a sewing kit if you prefer to sew the fabric instead of using adhesive.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Padded Hangers

Now that we've covered the materials needed, let's move on to the step-by-step instructions for making padded hangers for sweaters.

1. Prepare the Hanger

Start by removing any clips or accessories from the hanger. If there are any rough edges or imperfections on the hanger's shoulder, sand them down gently to create a smooth surface that won't damage the fabric.

Clean the hanger to remove any dust or dirt, as these can stick to the fabric and make it look less appealing.

Once the hanger is prepared, you can move on to the next step.

2. Cut the Foam or Batting

Take the foam or batting and place the hanger on top. Trace the shape of the hanger's shoulder onto the foam/batting with a marker or pen.

Use scissors to cut along the traced lines. Make sure the foam or batting is cut precisely to match the hanger's shoulder shape.

If you're making multiple padded hangers, repeat this step for each hanger.

3. Wrap the Foam or Batting with Fabric

Lay the foam or batting on top of the fabric with the chosen side facing down. Center the foam/batting on the fabric, leaving enough fabric on all sides to wrap around the foam/batting and secure it in place.

Gently pull one side of the fabric over the foam/batting and tuck it underneath to create a neat edge. Secure the fabric in place using adhesive, or if you prefer, you can sew it instead.

Continue wrapping the remaining sides of the foam/batting tightly with the fabric and secure them in place.

4. Attach the Fabric-Wrapped Foam or Batting to the Hanger

Place the fabric-wrapped foam or batting onto the hanger's shoulder, ensuring that it covers the entire surface. Adjust the fabric if needed to achieve a neat and even appearance.

Secure the fabric to the hanger using adhesive or by stitching through the fabric and foam/batting if you prefer a more secure attachment.

Repeat the previous steps for each padded hanger you wish to make.

5. Let the Padded Hangers Dry and Set

Once all the fabric-wrapped foam or batting is attached to the hangers, set them aside to dry and allow the adhesive to fully bond. Follow the drying time indicated on the adhesive packaging for the best results.

After the adhesive has dried, your padded hangers are ready to use! Hang your sweaters on them to ensure they stay in great shape and are free from any unsightly shoulder bulges.

Elevate Your Sweater Storage with Padded Hangers

With a little effort and creativity, you can make your own padded hangers for sweaters. By choosing the right materials and following the step-by-step instructions, you'll have custom-made hangers that protect your sweaters and add a touch of elegance to your closet.

How To Make Padded Hangers For Sweaters?

DIY: Making Padded Hangers for Sweaters

Padded hangers are an excellent way to protect delicate sweaters. Here's a step-by-step guide to making your own:


  • Hanger
  • Foam padding
  • Fabric (cotton or silk)
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun
  • Needle and thread
  • Ribbon or lace (optional)


  • Cut foam padding to fit the hanger, leaving space for the hook.
  • Cut your fabric, leaving extra for wrapping around the foam.
  • Using the glue gun, attach the fabric to the foam, folding the excess over the edges.
  • Secure the fabric by stitching it in place.
  • If desired, add decorative ribbon or lace.
  • Allow the glue to dry completely before using.

By following these simple steps, you can make your own padded hangers for sweaters, ensuring they stay wrinkle-free and protected.

Key Takeaways: How To Make Padded Hangers For Sweaters?

  • Padded hangers can help prevent stretching and sagging of sweaters.
  • You can make padded hangers using foam, fabric, and a glue gun.
  • Choose a soft fabric, like velvet or fleece, to cover the foam.
  • Measure and cut the foam to fit the hanger, allowing for a little extra padding.
  • Secure the fabric to the foam with the glue gun, ensuring it is smooth and snug.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about making padded hangers for sweaters:

1. What materials do I need to make padded hangers for sweaters?

To make padded hangers for sweaters, you will need the following materials:

  • A wooden or plastic hanger
  • Soft foam or quilt batting
  • Fabric of your choice
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Needle and thread or sewing machine

With these materials, you can create padded hangers that will protect your sweaters from stretching and keep them in good shape.

2. How do I make padded hangers for sweaters?

To make padded hangers for sweaters, follow these steps:

Step 1: Cut the foam or quilt batting into strips that are slightly wider than the width of your hanger. These strips will be used to pad the hanger.

Step 2: Cut a piece of fabric that is long enough to wrap around the hanger with some excess. This fabric will cover the padding and give your hanger a finished look.

Step 3: Place the foam or quilt batting strips onto the hanger, making sure to cover the entire width. You can use hot glue or stitches to secure the padding in place.

Step 4: Wrap the fabric around the padded hanger, making sure to cover the foam or batting completely. Use a hot glue gun or sewing machine to secure the fabric in place.

Step 5: Trim any excess fabric and tidy up the edges to give your padded hanger a neat appearance.

By following these steps, you can easily create padded hangers that are perfect for storing your sweaters.

3. Can I use different fabrics for my padded hangers?

Yes, you can use different fabrics to personalize your padded hangers. Choose fabrics that match your personal style or complement the color scheme of your closet. Cotton, satin, or velvet fabrics work well for padded hangers and add an extra touch of luxury.

Remember to choose fabrics that are durable and can withstand the weight of the sweaters to ensure the longevity of your padded hangers.

4. Are padded hangers necessary for sweaters?

While padded hangers are not essential for storing sweaters, they can help preserve the shape and maintain the quality of your sweaters over time. Sweaters are prone to stretching and losing their shape when hung on regular hangers, especially if they are heavier or made of delicate materials.

Padded hangers offer extra cushioning and support, preventing unwanted stretching and creases. They also provide a soft and gentle surface for your sweaters, reducing the risk of snagging or damaging the fabric.

5. Can I buy pre-made padded hangers for sweaters?

Yes, you can find pre-made padded hangers at various home goods stores or online retailers. These hangers are often covered in soft fabric or have built-in padding, making them suitable for hanging sweaters and other delicate garments.

However, making your own padded hangers allows you to customize the size, padding thickness, and fabric to your preference. It can also be a fun and creative DIY project for sweater enthusiasts.

And that's it! You now know how to make padded hangers for sweaters. It's a simple process that can help protect your favorite sweaters from getting stretched or snagged.

To recap, start by gathering the materials you'll need: a wooden or plastic hanger, cotton batting, fabric, and a hot glue gun. Then, follow these steps: wrap the hanger with cotton batting, secure it with hot glue, and cover it with fabric, again using hot glue to secure it in place.