When Do Malamutes Blow Their Coats?

When Do Malamutes Blow Their Coats?

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When do Malamutes blow their coats? It's a question that many dog owners ask themselves, especially those who own this breed known for their thick, double coats. Well, here's a surprising fact: Malamutes actually blow their coats twice a year!

During the spring and fall seasons, Malamutes go through a natural process of shedding their old coat to make way for a new one. This shedding period can last several weeks, and it's during this time that you'll find clumps of fur all over your house. So, be prepared to invest in a good vacuum cleaner!

When Do Malamutes Blow Their Coats?

Understanding the Malamute Coat

Malamutes, also known as Alaskan Malamutes, are large and powerful Arctic dogs known for their thick and fluffy coats. These coats serve as protection against the extreme cold temperatures they were originally bred to endure. While their double coats keep them warm during winter, they require proper maintenance and shedding during the warmer months. Understanding when Malamutes blow their coats is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Coat Characteristics

The coat of a Malamute consists of two main layers: the outer guard coat and the softer undercoat. The outer guard coat is coarse and provides protection against moisture, dirt, and other external elements. The undercoat, on the other hand, is dense and plush, designed to keep the dog warm and insulated. This combination ensures that the dog stays comfortable in cold weather.

Malamutes have a natural shedding cycle to maintain the quality and health of their fur. Shedding can be a normal process, but excessive shedding can indicate underlying health issues, poor nutrition, or inadequate grooming. As responsible owners, understanding the shedding patterns of Malamutes is essential.

It's important to note that individual Malamutes may have variations in their coat types and shedding patterns. Some may have longer guard hairs, while others may have denser undercoats. Factors such as age, health, diet, and genetics can influence coat density, texture, and shedding patterns.

When Do Malamutes Blow Their Coats?

Malamutes typically experience two major shedding periods in a year, known as "blowing" coat. These shedding periods coincide with the change of seasons. The first major blow occurs during the spring as the dog prepares for warmer weather, while the second blow occurs in the fall as the dog gets ready for the colder months.

During the shedding period, the undercoat is shed more profusely to help regulate the dog's body temperature. This shedding process can last for several weeks and can result in large amounts of loose fur covering your furniture, floors, and clothing. It is important to be prepared and implement a regular grooming routine during these times.

While the blowing coat periods are the major shedding seasons, Malamutes do shed moderately throughout the year. Regular brushing and grooming are essential to keep their coats healthy and prevent matting.

Tips for Managing Malamute Shedding

To effectively manage Malamute shedding and maintain their coats, here are some tips:

  • Regular brushing: Brush your Malamute's coat at least 2-3 times a week, even during non-shedding periods. Use a slicker brush or an undercoat rake to remove loose fur and prevent matting.
  • Bathing: Bathe your Malamute as needed to keep their coat clean and healthy. Use a dog-specific shampoo and conditioner to prevent dryness and irritation.
  • Diet and nutrition: Provide a balanced and high-quality diet to ensure your Malamute's coat remains healthy. Consult with your veterinarian for appropriate dietary recommendations.
  • Supplements: Omega-3 fatty acid supplements can promote a healthy coat and reduce shedding. Consult with your veterinarian before adding any supplements to your dog's diet.

Signs of Health Issues

While shedding is a normal process for Malamutes, excessive or sudden hair loss can indicate underlying health issues. It's important to be aware of the signs of potential health problems:

1. Bald patches: If your Malamute develops areas of thinning or baldness, it may be a sign of a skin infection, allergies, hormonal imbalance, or other health issues. Consult with your veterinarian for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

2. Redness or inflammation: Persistent redness, inflammation, or itching in your dog's skin can indicate allergies, parasites, or dermatological conditions. Seek veterinary advice for proper diagnosis and treatment.

3. Scratching or biting: Excessive scratching, biting, or licking can be a sign of discomfort or pain. It may also indicate the presence of fleas or other parasites. Ensure regular flea control and consult your vet if the scratching persists.

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Regular visits to your veterinarian are important for maintaining your Malamute's overall health, including their coat condition. Annual check-ups allow your vet to monitor any changes, identify potential health issues early, and provide necessary treatments.

Remember, prevention and early intervention are key to addressing any potential health issues and maintaining the well-being of your beloved Malamute.

Other Factors to Consider

In addition to the seasonal shedding cycles, there are other factors that can affect the shedding patterns and coat health of Malamutes:

Environment and Climate

The environment and climate in which your Malamute lives can influence their shedding patterns. Extreme temperature variations and dry climates may cause the coat to become drier, leading to increased shedding. Similarly, changing environments, such as moving to a new home, can temporarily disrupt the dog's shedding cycle.

Providing a comfortable and consistent living environment for your Malamute can minimize the impact of environmental factors on their coats.

Stress and Emotional Well-being

Malamutes are highly intelligent and energetic dogs that thrive on mental and physical stimulation. Stress, anxiety, or boredom can affect their overall well-being, which may manifest in excessive shedding. Ensure your Malamute receives adequate exercise, mental stimulation, and a stable and loving environment to minimize stress-related shedding.

A well-exercised and content Malamute is more likely to have a healthy and controlled shedding cycle.

Grooming Routine

Your grooming routine plays a crucial role in the health of your Malamute's coat. Regular brushing, tailoring the grooming routine to your dog's coat type, and using appropriate grooming tools are essential in preventing matting, maintaining coat health, and keeping shedding under control.

Following a proper grooming routine and seeking guidance from professional groomers when needed can contribute to a healthier coat for your Malamute.


Genetics also play a role in the shedding patterns and coat quality of Malamutes. Different lines of Malamutes may have variations in coat thickness, texture, and shedding frequency. While you cannot control genetics, understanding your dog's lineage can provide insight into their specific coat traits and potential shedding patterns.

Regardless of genetics, a healthy and well-maintained coat can be achieved through proper grooming and care.


When do Malamutes blow their coats? The answer lies in the changing seasons: spring and fall. These are the two main shedding periods where Malamutes shed their undercoats more heavily as they prepare for the transition in weather. However, it's important to remember that Malamutes do shed moderately throughout the year, and regular grooming is necessary to maintain their coats.

When Do Malamutes Blow Their Coats?

When Do Malamutes Shed Their Coats?

Malamutes are known for their thick double coats, which help them stay warm in cold weather. However, these coats require regular maintenance, including shedding. Malamutes typically blow their coats twice a year: once in the spring and once in the fall.

The shedding process, also known as "blowing coat," can be intense and result in large amounts of hair being shed. During this time, malamutes shed their undercoats to prepare for the upcoming season. The shedding can last for several weeks, and owners need to be prepared for the extra grooming and cleaning that comes with it.

To manage the shedding, regular brushing is essential. This helps to remove loose hair and prevent matting. Using a deshedding tool can also be helpful in removing the undercoat. It is important to note that malamutes shed to regulate their body temperature, so it is not advisable to shave their coats.

Key Takeaways: When Do Malamutes Blow Their Coats?

  • Malamutes blow their coats twice a year, typically in the spring and fall.
  • The shedding period can last for several weeks to a couple of months.
  • During the shedding process, Malamutes shed their thick undercoat.
  • Regular grooming and brushing can help minimize shedding and keep the coat healthy.
  • Changes in temperature and daylight hours can trigger the coat blowing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Malamutes are known for their thick, double coats, and it is essential for owners to understand when they blow their coats. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the shedding process of Malamutes.

1. How often do Malamutes blow their coats?

Malamutes typically blow their coats twice a year, during the spring and fall seasons. This shedding process is more intense compared to their regular shedding throughout the year. During these periods, you can expect large amounts of fur to be shed by your Malamute.

In addition to these seasonal sheds, Malamutes also shed moderately throughout the year. Regular grooming and brushing can help manage their shedding, but be prepared for more extensive shedding during the spring and fall.

2. How long does the blowing of the coat last?

The duration of the coat blowing process can vary among individual Malamutes, but it typically lasts for 2-4 weeks. During this time, your Malamute will shed their winter or summer coat to adjust to the changing weather. It is important to provide regular grooming sessions and keep up with the shedding to ensure your Malamute remains comfortable.

It is worth noting that if the blowing of the coat lasts longer than a month or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

3. How can I manage the shedding of my Malamute during the coat blowing process?

Managing your Malamute's shedding during the coat blowing process requires regular grooming and brushing. Use a high-quality deshedding tool or slicker brush to remove loose fur and prevent it from matting. Regular brushing will also help distribute natural oils and keep your Malamute's coat healthy.

Bathing your Malamute during the coat blowing process can also help remove loose fur. However, it is important to use a dog-specific shampoo and follow proper bathing techniques to avoid drying out their skin.

4. Are there any dietary changes I should make during the coat blowing process?

While there are no specific dietary changes required, ensuring your Malamute has a balanced and nutritious diet can promote healthy coat growth. Include foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and essential vitamins and minerals to support their overall coat health.

Consulting with your veterinarian about the appropriate diet for your Malamute can provide further guidance on maintaining a healthy coat during the shedding process.

5. Can I prevent my Malamute from shedding during the coat blowing process?

Unfortunately, shedding is a natural process for Malamutes, and it cannot be entirely prevented. However, regular grooming, brushing, and providing a proper diet can help minimize excessive shedding and keep your Malamute's coat in good condition.

It is important to remember that shedding is part of a Malamute's natural cycle, and attempting to prevent it entirely can be distressing for the dog and may have negative impacts on their overall health.

In summary, Malamutes blow their coats twice a year – once in the spring and once in the fall. This shedding process typically lasts for a few weeks, during which time the dog will lose large amounts of fur. It is important for Malamute owners to be prepared for this seasonal shedding and to provide proper grooming and maintenance to help manage the shedding.

During the spring blow, Malamutes shed their thick winter coats in preparation for the warmer weather. This helps them stay cool during the hot summer months. In the fall, they shed their summer coats and grow a new, thicker coat to protect them from the cold winter temperatures. Regular brushing and grooming are essential during these times to remove loose fur and prevent matting. Additionally, a nutritious diet rich in essential fatty acids can help promote a healthy coat and reduce excessive shedding.